01. Town Planning

We are experts in advising private entities or individuals and public authorities or institutions on:

  • the processing, approval and implementation of town planning and land planning instruments;
  • negotiation and conclusion of agreements on planning and urban management matters;
  • urban management instruments, drafting action projects for any of the town planning action systems, such as re-allotment, compensation, concert, concurrency, cooperation, and expropriation;
  • constitution of compensation boards and maintenance entities;
  • provision of legal advice and assumption of the office of secretary of compensation boards;
  • drafting of legal opinions regarding town planning matters or sector-specific legislation;
  • processing and obtaining licences, permits and authorisations (rural land, commercial, touristic, works, occupation, demolition, activity, etc.)
  • planning disciplinary proceedings, imposition of sanctions, restoration of planning legality, implementation or opposition to demolition and closure orders;
  • social housing;
  • criminal offenses against land planning, and administrative and judicial proceedings regarding town planning and sector-specific matters.

02. Environment practice

We assist our clients at every phase of sanction or disciplinary proceedings resulting from alleged breaching regulations protecting natural resources and spaces, flora and fauna, contaminated soil, residues, etc.

We also provide legal advice on environmental impact assessment procedures, integrated environmental authorisations and other environmental licenses and permits. We carry out due diligences and provide pre-litigation defence, in order to prevent environmental offenses and crimes. We are experts in advising on environmental planning and conclusion of agreements between public institutions and private entities or individuals.

We are extensively experienced in the administrative handling and defence of our clients in both administrative and contentious administrative proceedings, specially regarding appeals against resolutions issued by the environmental administration.

03. Expropriation

We have vast experience in the administrative handling of expropriation procedures: attendance to the taking of the so called “previous” and “occupation” minutes, drafting of appraisal sheets, pleadings, appeals, default interests, as well as any issues related to reversal proceedings.

We provide a wide range of assistance and we represent both public entities and expropriation beneficiaries at every phase of the expropriation proceeding: drafting of expropriation projects, attending the proceedings on behalf of the client, etc.

04. State aids and subsidies

We provide legal advice both in the processing of applications and also in the proceedings brought by the administration aimed at their reimbursement.

05. Public properties

Our team assists both private clients and public entities in every aspect of administrative law regarding the use of the public domain (authorizations and concessions). Particularly, we advise on the drafting of requests and appeals for the extension of the concessions of use of the public domain, or against the transfer of the facilities, and also regarding procedures of expiration of concessions.

06. Public contracting

We provide advice on public tenders, drafting and reviewing the tender sheets, assisting our clients during the pre-contractual phase and the performance of the public contracts:

  • drafting of legal opinions
  • requests for clarifications and further appeals
  • termination of contracts
  • claims for payment of the price
  • default interests
  • assistance to procurement boards
  • contractual disputes: special appeals concerning public contracts, objection to tender sheets, contentious administrative appeals against resolutions awarding contracts, or against resolutions approving tender sheets.

07. State liability of the public authorities and of their own professional staff

We file claims for financial liability against the public administration. In addition, we defend the interests of our clients in both administrative and contentious administrative reviews against the dismissal of their claims.